The only comprehensive and detailed information written to-date, in an excellent, expansive treatise on the prototype Artillery Luger holster-stock is presented by †Görtz/Sturgess, first in the 2010 publication titled: Pistole Parabellum and later, essentially unchanged, in the 2011 – 2012 publication titled: The Borchardt & Luger Automatic Pistols, aka TBLAP. Since the surviving author prefers the later publication, it is presented herein and will be referenced throughout. Also presented is the auction house description and pictures of prototype Artillery holster stock number 37 and prototype Artillery holster-stock leather scabbard.
The identity and acquisition of prototype Artillery Luger holster-stock number 37 makes a total of four genuine and authenticated examples, out of a possible total of 20 – 50 examples, depending on which author one believes (Kenyon 50 or Sturgess 20). Using twenty as a base-line and calculated as a percentage indicates a 20 percent “published” survival rate. Assuming there are an equal amount in unpublished collections, makes a total of eight or 40 percent. This does not account for unidentified surviving examples, which could push the total to possibly 10 or 50 Percent. With that said, does not diminish the rarity of these surviving examples, resulting in a limited supply, combined with an unlimited collector demand, pushes the value into the stratosphere, and as in a statement by a serious, knowledgeable Luger collector in response to a fellow collector query on an offered solid body Artillery holster-stock: The originals are almost priceless...the repros a few hundred. How's that for a range! Seriously, the chances of it being one of the prototype wooden stocks for the ultra-rare 1913 Artillery are astronomical. There were really nice close repros made 10-15 years ago and that is probably what you will see.Pictured is the auction catalog description of prototype holster-stock 37/3105.
The troop trials of the prototype holster-stocks/leather scabbard Artillery Luger carbine rigs could not have lasted for more than a few months at most, being tested in a relatively benign environment, and there is no evidence that the few troop trials prototype Artillery holster-stocks were used during the war, so a reasonable assumption would be that they were simply stored by the Imperial German army for the duration of the war, as attested by War Ministry correspondence dated 16 June 1913[1],to be excessed in the 1920s or 1930s. Since wood is a relatively perishable product, the relatively good condition of the few surviving examples is testament to a sheltered storage environment for the last 100 years, first by the army and later by subsequent owners and collectors.
That all of the four documented surviving examples, save one, have replacement irons, an explanation was put forth by Sturgess: The irons were standard P.04 Navy/carbine items and were reliable in design - I have no idea
why the majority of extant examples have non-matched irons, apart from the philistine policy of the ATF since the 1930s requiring the iron to be removed to legalize a stock under the cretinous US laws - hence the originals went
missing, and any available lP.08 item would have been fitted later - thanks to US bureaucracy, the historical record has been destroyed.
The Sturgess theory has some merit, assuming all four examples were exported to the United States, although not conclusive, however, as it is unlikely, as all examples lack mandatory GERMANY import stamps. Also, there is the possibility, albeit slight, that the originally affixed attaching irons were not stamped with a serial number. The situation is not helped by the fact that the two-digit stampings located on the prototype wooden holster-stocks are not serial number related, but as explained, again by Sturgess that: As noted in the book[3], the wood seems to have had a number of its own stamped in the hinge and under the screwdriver, which was not the pistol or attaching iron number, as was common with DWM prototypes, the wood seemingly made up in one shop (the stock making shop) and the metal in the tool room - see the M1899 magazines which are similar. Other explanations are needed to understand the “replacement” attaching irons, two of which have four-digit serial numbers.
The rig may have been located intact, or assembled later by a collector, which is not uncommon, and does not diminish, in any manner the extreme rarity of the correctly matching rig, however, somewhere in the distant past, Artillery prototype holster-stock number 52 housed a P.08, probably under the same circumstances of prototype Artillery Luger holster-stocks 32, 37 and 39.
Regarding the replacement of these attaching irons, Sturgess states, in response that the four-digit attaching iron serial number of holster-stock 37 appears original: It has definitely been changed for a production iron, and there is no reason you would be able to detect this, as the iron simply slides out and the identical replacement is slid back in the same way, as they are also identical and
totally interchangeable with both the Navy and carbine irons. The wood fitting is very tight, and the production tolerances in both iron and wood result in a very close fit on any iron, provided the wood has not dried out and shrunk. I have always assumed that this replacement occurred under the BATF paranoia over stocks years ago, when many lP.08 and C96 stocks were ruined by having the iron
removed and lost.
Discussed here is a hypothetical sequence of events in the development of the holster-stock for the new prototype Artillery Luger. Apparently, Georg Luger decided upon a total length of 370 mm for the wooden stock, that when mated with the prototype Artillery Luger, making a carbine, fit comfortably against the shoulder with perfect alignment with the shooter, front and rear sights optimal sighting distance. The length of the holster stock was apparently, uncompromising, causing a creative design challenge to the DWM tool room craftsman, tasked with turning the prototype stock into a prototype holster-stock. In order to fit the prototype Artillery Luger with a total length of 324 mm into a body cavity, hogged out of a solid block of walnut, leaves only 46mm or 1.8-inches for end-to-end wall thickness, which also includes the partial protrusion of the rear of the Artillery Luger into the inside cover cavity.
Per conversations with Sturgess the reasons for the cropped views of variation 2b AWM 1 15 scabbard are: The AWM 1 15 scabbard has a wrecked (torn off) lid and could not be photographed except from the top with the stock. This leaves only two surviving, completely intact,--
Sturgess in The Borchardt and Luger
Automatic Pistols has a most comprehensive description of the leather holster scabbard: It should go without saying that the trials/prototype wooden “case”, described above, called for some sort of carrying device in addition to its shoulder strap. This purpose was served by a voluminous leather holster or scabbard, with twin belt loops at the rear, which also held four spare magazines in external pouches, a second screw driver/magazine loading tool and a second cleaning rod in internal pockets. It may be that this scabbard was designed to also accommodate another type of prototype stock or holster/stock which did not itself accommodate a screwdriver and cleaning rod, as do the known examples described above, or the duplication of stowage provision for cleaning equipment may have equally been a result of the transient trials nature of this scabbard, part of whose function was to help determine where and how the ancillaries should be carried. However, given the documentary evidence, reviewed above, that the wood/leather holster-stock had been adopted with the pistol in July 1913, and that standardized inspection drawings of the stock and its leather fittings had been issued in the Table of Dimensions, and dated by amendments to before November 1913, it is most curious that the known original examples of this exceptionally rare trials scabbard are dated to late 1914/early 1915 (9.14 - 1.15) by their markings stamped on the rear wall, that of the Artilleriewerkstätten München (stamped as 9/14/AWM and 1/15/AWM in three lines on known examples as an inspection/acceptance mark) , in addition to that of the maker, Eugen Huber, Militär-Efekten, München on the later dated example.The earlier example has only the AWM mark, and has typically military plain frontal seams, while the later dated type has commercial pattern piped seams;it would seem that the 9/14/AWM marked example is probably a pattern holster made by the Artillerie-werkstätte itself, the 1/15/AWM marked example being made by Huber under sub-contract from the pattern. It is also interesting to note that this scabbard is uniquely of Bavarian origin, no Prussian made examples are known.
Description: This is an example of a rare, prototype German Artillery Luger combination holster/shoulder stock. These were developed in the 1908-1910 time frame and were intended to both used as a shoulder stock for early Artillery Lugers and to also act as a wooden holster for the Lugers. There were only a handful of these actually made (estimated at less than 50) with almost no examples being seen or even offered today on the collector market. These were a very short lived prototype variation that was produced by DWM under direction of Georg Luger that abandoned this concept in favor of using the flat board stock version with a standard leather holster. This later design proved to be far more durable and easier to produce. This super rare example is actually numbered "37" on the back side of the holster itself, next to a small script letter "W" proof. The inside of the lid also has the correctly matching serial number "37" with the upper top edge of the lid correctly checkered. It is currently fitted with a standard WWI Artillery Luger attaching iron that is numbered "3105" on top. This stock still retains the original, double metal loops on the left side intended for a leather shoulder strap (not included).
Condition: Very fine with an attractive matching walnut color overall on the body and lid with only minor handling marks on the sides with a few light pressure dents on the underside, behind the stock iron. The metal parts/components all retain 98% of their original blue finish with all original unbuggered screw heads. This is the only example that writer can recall ever offering at auction. Don't miss out on a chance to buy this exciting, all original Luger accoutrement, a certainty for the advanced Luger collector.
An interesting an unusual feature of the Artillery Luger rig, has nothing to do with the pistol, but the Artillery leather boot and the curious materiel lining the interior of the cup. The Artillery boot cup made by the Germans to protect the steel stock attaching iron found on the Artillery shoulder stock is made in two layers of material. The outside layer is wrapped around and sewn at the edges with an oval disc sewn to the bottom. The inside layer is actually very interesting in that it is an ancient technique used for hundreds of years before the Germans put it inside the Artillery boot. This inside layer is a cup shaped molded piece of rawhide. Rawhide is the material used that leather is made from but before tanning, in its raw state. It has very different physical properties that the tanning process changes. In its rawhide state, the hide, when it dries, turns into an almost plastic material. Hard as can be, once dry, even a sharp needle on a sewing machine will bounce off or break. This material was known to the ancient American Indians for example. They used the same rawhide cup in the bottom of their arrow quivers to prevent obsidian arrows from cutting through the quiver. Obsidian is one of the sharpest known materials and is used in eye surgery because of that property. It will not penetrate dried rawhide however! It is unknown why the Imperial German Saddlers who made Artillery Lugers used rawhide in the bottom of Artillery stock iron boots. The stock iron is in no way sharp or is there any threat of penetration through normal leather. The rawhide cup is also molded into a shape that one would think would retain water. The Artillery stock iron cover is at the bottom of a fairly long holster and stock, so somewhat exposed to the elements. A mystery that will likely never be solved.