C93 Borchardt manuals

Original Loewe C93 Borchardt owner's manual

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An original Loewe C93 Borchardt instruction manual. Click on manual to view inside pages.

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Original DWM C93 Borchardt owner's manuals.


              German version

Click on manual to view inside pages and article describing manual history and is part of the LOB collection. This manual is featured in the new book 'Pistole Parabellum' by Görtz/Sturgess.
The first C93 Borchardt instruction manual (shown above) is a German language version of the manual. This manual has been in The Netherlands, practically since first printed in Germany as evidenced by the Amsterdam located GEORGES & DE WATTEVILLE dealers ink stamp on the cover. The manual is complete and intact except for a left side profile picture photograph of the C93 Borchardt pistol, which was missing from the TAFEL I or Plate I of the three fold-out illustrations at the rear of the manual, being cut out many years ago and recently replaced with the orignal picture by Nico van Gijn. For more details concerning this manual, click on the above image.

              English version

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The center piece C93 Borchardt manual fold-out illustration (Plate I) of the second featured original C93 Borchardt instruction manuals (shown on the left in the above illustration) was used as a back drop in the Cased Loewe Borchardt display shown in Luger: The Multi-National Pistol by C. Kenyon, Jr. c 1991. Click on manual to view inside pages.

The third C93 Borchardt instruction manual (shown on the right in the above illustration) was formally of the M. Reese Collection, writer of a monthly Guns and Ammo magazine column on Lugers and author of three books on Lugers. His New Orleans address is stamped on the rear of the manual.


              French version

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The fourth C93 Borchardt instruction manual (shown in the above illustration) is a French language version of the manual.


              Spanish version

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The fifth C93 Borchardt instruction manual (shown in the above illustration) is a Spanish language version of the manual.


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