1906 Abercrombie & Fitch catalog | ||
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  Featured above is an original 1906 Abercrombie & Fitch catalog published May 1906. Page 183 of the catalog shows an old model 30 cal Luger. A complementary comment is found on page 162 that rates the Luger as the best of "type." An interesting technical “write up" on page 183 describes the 30 cal. Luger pistol and carbine and the 9mm (.354) caliber Luger pistol. It is interesting to note that the American Eagle chamber crest is not present on the pictured Luger nor mentioned in the text. Page 191 lists the 30 cal bottle neck rounds for the C96 Mauser, the C93 Borchardt and the Luger. Curiously, it has no listing for the 9mm Luger round even though the catalog has an intro page dated May 1, 1906. Possibly, the new model commercial Lugers were not being advertised or promoted, in America or anywhere at this point. It is possible that A&F was referring to the 1902 9mm “FAT barrel" as they do illustrate the “Old Model" Luger. More probable is that Abercrombie & Fitch was advertising the “New Model" Luger and using an “Old Model" Luger picture file copy. Many period catalogs used Old Model Luger pictures when advertising the New Model Luger, including Hans Tauscher ads, up to 1914. Neither scenario however, explains the advertising (for sale) reference to the 9mm (.354) caliber Luger pistol and the subsequent lack of a listing for the caliber 9mm ammunition. Page 215 advertises a Luger holster for the 4-¾" Luger. The subject original 1906 Abercrombie & Fitch catalog itself is extremely rare. Especially since Abercrombie & Fitch recommended on page 320 in the INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORDERING that the customer “Please destroy all previous issues."(!) |   |